Friday, March 30, 2007

Jet Skiing
I can't say that I've ever been with Bryan. Maybe this summer!

I know that I'm crazy, but I think that little baby pigs are soooooooo cute! They've always been my favorite animal.

This pie is to die for! Seriously-it's too good!


I think that
Tate's officially
POTTY-TRAINED! He's gone for 3 full days and nights with dry underwear!! We've spent endless hours in the bathroom, but I can finally say that I think it's been worth it. Yay! I'm a Happy Mom.
No More Diapers!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Kitchen Garden

These are ALFALFA SPROUTS that I grew in my kitchen! They're actually really easy to grow because no soil is needed. All you do is water the seeds 3-4 times a day for 5 days and they're done! Alfalfa Sprouts can be used in place of lettuce in tacos, sandwiches, omelets, etc. They are really YUMMY and nutritious!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Swimming Season Yet?

This is Tate yesterday! Yes, that's him in the 70 degree water.
He's been wanting to swim for a long time.
Finally, I gave my consent!
Did I get in with him? For about 10 seconds! I ended up heating the spa to my liking-90 degrees!

This is a family video I found of Tate swimming last summer. Wow-he's sure changed a lot!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Take ME for a ride!

Every week or so, this giant hot air balloon flies behind our house! Tate never fails to ask me if he can go up in the balloon. I always give him the same answer, "maybe when we're rich someday!" I have to admit-it does look very fun!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Spotlight

-Jeremiah Russell Call-
This is my Great-Grandpa Call. I never actually met him (he died five months before I was born), but I've read and heard a lot of GOOD things about him! Russell was born May 6, 1894 in Bountiful,Utah. At the age of 23, he and his family moved to Burley, Idaho and it was at this time that he met Lavern Bowcut. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple by Joseph Fielding Smith in 1917. I'm going to quote a story that my Great-Grandpa Call wrote about his life, just three months before he passed away...

The year of 1927, we bought a forty acre farm in Starrs Ferry, Idaho for $5,000.00. We had to pay $1,000.00 down. We had been married ten years and had five children. Well, we lived on that little farm for three years and did very well. We made all the payments and just owed $400.00 on it. Our main crop was sugar beets. This year as usual, we planted them and they came up well and looked good. A killing disease got in our neighbors beets and killed most of them but not ours. We were advised to plow them up and plant something else. They looked so good we hated to. So as usual, our family fasted and prayed all Sunday to know what to do. Late Sunday evening my Father and Mother pulled up in front of our house with their horse and buggy. My Father knew nothing of our beet crop but immediately said, "Russell, I've been thinking about you all day and have come to tell you to plow up your beet crop and plant potatoes". I did not hesitate and went out the next day and plowed them up. We have never had a more direct answer to out prayers. I did leave just two acres of the beets, and they turned out to be the best beets I ever grew. The potatoes were a complete failure. We never sold a sack of them. Our entire living came from the two acres of beets and our milk check that year. The next year we had a good crop of potatoes and beets. We harvested 2000 sacks of them and were offered $2.00 per hundred out of the field. We were advised to store them for they would bring more money later, which we did. We harvested the beets and put all the money in the bank. We did not make the land payment for our farm of $400.00 which was all we owed on the farm. We planned to do that after we sold the potatoes. We planned to buy a 20 acre place across the road. We bought a new car that spring and made a trip to Arizona that December. When we got back from our trip, the "Great Depression" had hit! Everything had collapsed. The bank where we had all our money had closed and never did open. We lost every cent we had! The potato market was gone and we couldn't sell one potato. That was December 23, 1929. Our farm payment of $400.00 was due on January 2nd. The man was there to collect. Of course, we could not pay. There was not that much money in Idaho. He said, "That's your tough luck, I want my money as our contract says, or I get the farm". Which he got. We walked out of our nice little comfortable home and 40 acres of land into about one foot of snow, in sub-zero weather, with five small children, and not ONE CENT! I managed to buy a pile of second hand canvas, got together a few old boards, and Mother sewed the canvas into a 12x16 tent. We put it up under a neighbors tree and moved in with three full sized beds, a cook stove, and a table and chairs. We lived there for eight months...

Anyways, he goes on to say they were blessed immensely during that time. He was finally able to build a little store on Main Street. They built it with tin, 12x16 feet is size, with no lining and a dirt floor. They sold Corn Flakes, Candy, Peanuts, and mostly Fruit. It eventually became the BIGGEST fruit business of any store in Idaho. They had days when they sold over $1000.00 worth.
In Grandpa Calls own words, "Believe me, now I know that the Lord helps those who help themselves through adversity, pay their tithes and offerings, and are willing to sacrifice.

I was seriously crying when I read this story. I'm so grateful for the many sacrifices that my ancestors made, and for their endurance and long suffering.

Grandpa Call lived to be 87 years old! He never had a single gray hair on his head. Grandma and Grandpa Call served a mission in Texas (Which was his childhood dream). They also served as ordinance workers in the Mesa, AZ temple in their later years. He served in many other church callings, and led an exemplary life!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

First Flier

This is the only flier I could find, and it's ALL WRINKLED (The real thing looks AWESOME). Anyways, they went out on Tuesday (before the rain-luckily). It's exciting to be starting a new business! Bryan's having the time of his life. Seriously building pools is his passion.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

This is one of Tate's favorite songs (He has many favorites). Click on the play button below to hear him singing it!
Isn't he so cute?

Friday, March 23, 2007


Rainy Days
  • It's been absolutely gorgeous here, in the 70's with some sprinkles. I love desert rain!


  • I like eveything about Easter-the resurrection, Easter Bunny, chocolate eggs, easter baskets, and egg hunting are my favorites!

Roses and Daisies

  • I love this combination of flowers!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

He's OKAY!

We saw the Neurologist this morning, and all is well! Whew, it's such a relief! He said Tate's passing out because of "shock". He also said that 5 % of children do it, and that it runs in the family (which makes sense to me). The first question that he asked me was, "Have any of your brothers or sisters ever passed out when they've fallen"? I remembered that one of my brothers used to pass out all the time when he hit his head. It's funny that he would ask about my siblings before asking about Bryan or me passing out. Anyways, he said that it generally starts at about 6 months old and peaks at 2 1/2 yrs, kids usually outgrow it by the time they start Kindergarten. I'm so relieved!!

Cute Story:
The Doctor had a scale in his office. Tate asked the Doctor to weigh him, so the Doctor pulled out the scale, and asked Tate to stand on it. Before getting on it though, Tate told the Doctor "I'm 32 Pounds". The Doctor smiled, and sure enough-Tate was indeed 32 pounds!

In God We Still Trust!

In March 2005, this song was performed at a Diamond Rio concert. They received an immediate standing ovation, and continue to do so every time they perform it! Sadly, major radio stations wouldn't play it because it was considered politically incorrect. Consequently, the song was never released to the public.

Click here -----------> Diamond Rio Song

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I'm so very excited because Tate's gone pee in the toilet twice today!! This morning during his bath, Tate told me on his own that he needed to go. I asked him if he wanted to go in the toilet, and he said he did. It took a while, but HE DID IT! After that, I took him to the store and we got some "Cars" underwear. Right when we got home-he went in the toilet again! EXCITING!!! Then, we went outside to do some gardening, and he had a little relapse. He was NOT happy about peeing on the ground. Anyways, we're still trying. Wish us luck! This potty training stuff isn't all that fun-at least for me. I guess it's got be learned sometime, especially before Preschool.
PRESCHOOL! I haven't written about Preschool yet. I might have possibly found a place. I'm thinking about SMES. It's so cheap, and good I hear! We'll see, I'm planning on visiting sometime soon. Supposedly transportation is included in the monthly fee of $60. Isn't that incredible? And... if I volunteer at the school once a week, then we pay NOTHING!
Yes, I'm just a little EXCITED!

Boy, Girl, or Nice?

This is a conversation we had while driving in the car earlier today...

Mom: Tate are you a boy or a girl?
Tate: Boy
Mom: That's right, Heavenly Father made you a boy. What did Heavenly Father make Mommy?
Tate: Heavenly Father made Mommy a girl.
Mom: What did Heavenly Father make Grandma?
Tate: Heavenly Father made Grandma a lady.
Mom: What did Heavenly Father make Grandpa?
Tate: Heavenly Father made Grandpa a man.
Mom: What did Heavenly Father make President Hinckley?
Tate: Heavenly Father made President Hink-a-ley NICE!

Well, at least Tate knows his stuff-RIGHT?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Christina & Joseph

Don't they look so cute together?
Christina and Joseph were here in Mesa for the weekend.
It was really FUN getting to spend some time with them and also meeting Joseph's Mom and Brother!

Christina had a fun shower at Mary Nielson's house and got some really nice presents!

The cupcakes were gorgeous with gigantic blackberries on top! Yum.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Spotlight

I decided to copy my cousins and introduce a new person every week. I'm going to give it a little twist though and spotlight one of our ancestors every Sunday. So, here's the first one...
-Ada Dorene Parkinson Thomas-
This is my Grandma Ada. She was born in Blackfoot, Idaho on September 26, 1915. She spent much of her childhood in California. Her family lived close to the beach-practically every morning she would run a mile with her father and then body surf in the ocean before school.
Music was Grandma's life! She began playing the piano and organ in church at the age of 12. Ada was the youngest certified teacher in the state of California. She was an AMAZING PIANIST. I remember listening to my grandma play when I was just a young child and wishing to one day play like her.

She married Harold (Jack) Thomas in the Mesa Arizona Temple in 1940. They had 10 children (5 boys, and 5 girls). Grandma was a great cook and baked 10 loaves of bread just about every day (At least that's what my Mom says). For Ada's Recipes click HERE.
Ada served a four year term on the Arizona State School Board from 1986-1990. President Reagan awarded her a flag of the US that had flown over the capital building for her devoted service.
Grandma's favorite things included: garage sales, birds, the ocean, music, cool weather, and people (She was a very social person and enjoyed visiting with everyone).
At the time of her death in 2005, she had 62 Grandkids and 75 Great-Grandchildren! I love my Grandma Ada very much and I cherish the time that I spent with her. I admire her faith and testimony. She was a great example to all who knew her!

In her later years Grandma Ada developed dementia. I worked for a company called "Home Instead", and had the opportunity of caring for her in her home. It was during this time, that I learned to truly appreciate my Grandma. I learned a great deal about her life (mostly childhood) as she was able to recall many of her early memories. How grateful I am for this precious time with her!


Oh my goodness, I never realized how much embarassment one little child can give a poor mom! So, we were walking in late to church and Tate ESCAPED (Sound familiar?), He took off running to the front of the chapel-past all the people-past the speaker-past the bishop, and then... Brother Lofgreen (a member of the bishopric) caught him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I stood up to go get him and comletely FROZE. Bryan then walked ALL THE WAY up to get him. When he got there, Tate was sitting peacefully on Bro. Lofgreens lap. He smiled and said, "Hi Daddy!" I'm finally laughing about it as I'm writing this, but it wasn't funny at the time. Okay it was a little bit :)

Sardine Club

Thank-you Dad for hearing my plea to have a Sardine Club meeting! It was oh so fun and yummy!!! Just for you're info, I'm now a fan of caviar and fish steaks as well. The clams were OK, but the other STUFF was just REALLY GOOD!
We told Joseph (Christina's fiance), that in order to be initiated into our family, he would have to try the sardines. Lucky for him-he didn't mind.

Friday, March 16, 2007

(I have fond memories of rollerblading with Bryan before we were married :)
(This is our favorite place to eat)
(I'll never forget the time my Grandma taught me how to crochet! I was probably about 11 years old. I've made several afghans since).

Fluke Week?

Oh my goodness, alright this is officially crazy-a whole week at the doctor's office for completely different things!!! What is it now you may ask, up until yesterday Tate had not had a bowel movement for 12 days (Since the 4th)! You can guess what the doctor did, all I can say is that Tate screamed and screamed and screamed. This doctor stuff really isn't MY LIFE! Tate is generally speaking a very healthy little kid. I'm hoping that this is just a fluke week, and that next week will be NORMAL for us!

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Didn't the SUNS rock last night?

Bryan & I stayed up late watching, but it was so worth it!

Seriously, that was a GOOD GAME!

Click HERE to watch some of the highlights.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well, we spent the day at the doctors again today! My mother and Christina came over to our house this morning. Tate really loves my Mom sooooooooooooo much! As soon as she got here, he grabbed her hand and led her and Christina into his bedroom so that he could have some Grandma time away from Mommy. Whenever Grandma's here, Tate will have nothing to do with me :( Anyways, his bedroom lock is turned around so that he won't escape at night. So, being the smart kid that he is, he used it as a way to get Grandma and Christina all to himself. He locked them in the room with him! So, my Mom, Christina, and I didn't even realize at this point that he had locked them in. They were all playing with his toys when Tate tripped and fell on the rocker. He hit his forehead and was bleeding everywhere. Then, they realized that they were locked in the bedroom. I had stepped outside and couldn't hear them banging on the door. Finally several minutes later they realized I was probably outside, and they opened the window and started screaming for me to come. So yea, we had to bring him in to the doctors once more. Dr. Merkley decided not to do stiches but cleaned it up and put some steri strips on it, to help it to heal. I'm glad that everything's OK.

Thank-You for the beautiful flowers Carrie!
I can't tell you how much it meant to me.
You are the best!

ALL SMILES :) :) :) :) :)

This is the ULTIMATE SMILE SONG (at least for me)! Whenever I'm even the slightest bit grumpy, I will be smiling again within 5 seconds or so of listening.
I LOVE IT-I think it's the OOGA-CHUCCA that gets me!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Update on Tate

Okay, so we brought Tate in to the Doctors this morning. Dr. Merkley got him in at 7:45AM-before actual hours-I'm telling you, he's the best! Tate's been running a high fever all morning, he has an ear infection and possibly strep throat. We're in the process of filing his prescription, so hopefully that helps there. Dr. Merkley was so understanding and caring about the entire "passing out" thing. He's referred Tate to a Child Neurologist and is really taking it seriously (Like any doctor should).
I'm so happy to have such an AWESOME DOCTOR!

Box Oven

Okay, so last night was good! We made a box oven for Family Home Evening, for our year supply. I'm amazed that it actually worked!! I stole the idea from my cousin.
It's VERY EASY and even FUN to make.
Here's the Box Oven instructions:
1 empty cardboard box with lid
heavy duty aluminum foil
foil tape
4 empty soda cans
pie tin

Get the charcoal ready to cook by starting them and waiting until they are white. This will take about 20 minutes. Cover box TOTALLY in aluminum foil and tape, inside and out, flaps and all, better too much than too less. Any exposed areas will ignite. Fill the cans half way with water, sand or pebbles. Lay box flat on its side so the opening is facing you. Put soda cans in the box on the four corners so it can hold up what you are cooking. Place the dish with your food on the soda cans. Place one charcoal in the pie tin into the box under the dish for every 20 degrees you want your oven to be. You will need 17 ½ coals for 350 degrees. Cover/Close Lid-and cook away!

Scary Day!

Yesterday was just officially scary! It all started that Tate was standing on top of a little toy drum (maybe 6-12 inches off the ground). He slipped and fell, landed on the carpet, on his back (I think). No big deal right? WRONG!!! I picked him up, and then he completely passed out, eyes rolled back and everything-A Mother's worst nightmare!! With his limp body still in my arms, I freaked out, grabbed the phone and proceeded to dial 911, brought him over to the couch and laid him down, said a brief prayer for him, and then HE CAME OUT OF IT! He was out for close to 30 seconds. When he came to, he started coughing and looked all around, then he screamed at the top of his lungs for about 3-5 minutes. Poor Kid! Paramedics came and checked him out-which he had no noticable signs of falling or anything, he seemed completely normal at that point, except for the fact that he was still clinging to me! He acted totally normal for the entire rest of the day-jumping, running around, the regular.
This isn't the first time this has happened, It's actually the third time he's passed out from falls. Each time the amount of time he's OUT has lengthened. This all started about a year ago when we were building our swimming pool. We were standing in the pool area-Tate broke loose from holding my hand, ran off at top speed, fell in the pool, and landed on his head (about a 3-4 foot fall)! We immediately brought him into the E.R., they dismissed him without a cat scan or anything. The next week, he was running on the tile in our kitchen, tripped and fell, and passed out for just a short time. We brought him back in to the emergency room. They again did NOTHING, telling us to just watch him for any noticeable changes. Anyways, he went probably 8 months with no more passing out. Then, he did it again. This time, we again had the paramedics come to check him out, but we didn't bring him in. Well, now it's happened yet again! I'm officially concerned and anxious to get him seen and diagnosed!
So, yesterday when I called his pediatrician to get him in, they told me to take him straight to the E.R. and that they wouldn't set an appointment for him. I told them that we had already been there, done that in the past, and not gotten anywhere. They again told me that they wouldn't schedule an appointment. Frustrated, I called Bryan, he told me to call back and demand an appointment! I called back, and they were busy for close to an hour. Finally, I got through to them and they told me the same thing. This time I asked for a nurse to call me back on my home phone. She, of course, calls back on my cell phone and leaves a message basically stating the same thing, that I need to take him into the E.R. now! By this point, I was REALLY frustrated! Bryan then called, and asked for the nurse practitioner to call him. 5 1/2 later-NO CALL back. He called again and demanded to speak to her. They told him that they would leave another message for her to call. At this point, it was close to 4:30 in the afternoon! Finally, she called-Completely UPSET and very angry at Bryan for not having brought him in to the E.R. Bryan told her, that we don't want to go about this backwards, and that we would only like to see the doctor so that he could possibly refer us to a specialist or at least set an appointment at the E.R. for a cat scan. The nurse was comletely syco! She told him that the only way you can get an appointment at the E.R., is to have a doctors referall. (Well DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Bryan said, "Okay, so can we set that appointment to see the doctor to get the doctor's referal?" She finally consented, and told him that she would put him through to the appointment desk so they could schedule that. She put Bryan on hold, and magically he was disconnected! So, he called back AGAIN, this time the receptionist put Bryan on hold, after several minutes she told Bryan that they could get Tate in on the 26th, in 2 weeks!
How pathetic!!! So, Bryan went ahead and set that appointment.
I then called Dr. Merkley's office (Bryan and My Doctor). I explained to them about Tate and his situation, they told me that they could get him in on Wednesday. Then, about 1/2 hour later, Dr. Merkley himself called and asked how Tate was doing, and told us that he would like to see him as soon as possible.
He scheduled us an appointment for today!
I LOVE DR. MERKLEY!!! Finally, a doctor that actually cares and is willing to accept us!
So, as you can see, I'm just a LITTLE frustrated with Tate's pediatrician! In the future, I think we're going to stick with Dr. Merkley for all our family's needs.
Wish us luck today!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Fun Game

This TRACTOR-TIPPING GAME is Tate's favorite!

He loves playing it!!!

Tate, the Little Man!

Tate is sure growing up fast.
(2 1/2 going on 16!)

Tate's sooooo cute and fun to be around. His new favorite thing is making up songs. So far he's come up with 3 of them all by himself!
  • "Cars and Trucks"-Repeated over and over again
  • "Grandma Margaret has a bird-it lives at Grandma's house"
  • "Mommy is a Lady-Daddy calls her Dear" (This one is absolutely too funny!)
Tate continually asks if he can drive my car, Daddy's truck, an airplane, a school bus, and a helicopter. He doesn't want to just drive in them, he actually wants to drive them! He thinks that because he's a big boy now, he can do it all!

Bryan's parents watched Tate on Saturday so that we could go out
(Thank-You!) On the way home we had a conversation, this is how it went:

Mom: Did you have fun at Grandma's house?

Tate: Nes (Translation=Yes)

Mom: Do you want to go back?

Tate: Nes

Mom: Do you want to live with Grandma & Grandpa

Tate: PLEASE!!! (When he really wants something, he skips the nes and goes straight to please with that cute sincere little voice)

Tate recently learned his full name, now whenever anyone asks him his name he gives the long version "Tate Joshua Stradling". It's so funny because he says it so fast that you can't understand a word he's saying. He knows Bryan's and my fulls names too.

Tate's very favorite things include:

Car Movie (He would literally watch it all day if I let him)

Candles (Yes, he likes matches too. Once he grabbed them when I had my back turned, and was just about to light it on the box when I caught him!!! )

Mommy School-(Tate's been begging to go to school, so I started teaching him a little bit most everyday)

Books (His favorite is the Babybug Magazine)

Soap & Lotion (Anything that smells good and is messy)

Being Outdoors (He loves playing on the slide and swing in the backyard, and picking Mommy's vegetables)

Tate's Talents

Perfect Sumersaults

Jumping about 2 inches off the ground

Drinking a full glass of water in about 30 seconds or less

It's so fun being a Mommy-I'm loving it! Tate's constantly on the go and into just about everything, but it keeps me going, so it's all good!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Birthday!

March is Birthday Month!

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kristy, Natalie, James, Mother, Christina, & Sarah, Happy Birthday to You!!!"
We love you all & hope you're birthday wishes come true!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sardines Anyone?

Believe it or not,
I'm an official member of a
Sardine Club!
I joined when I was just a young child. I can't remember who's all in it, I DO KNOW that my Dad and Aaron are members as well. Growing up, every twice a year or so we would call for a meeting to eat the tasty critters (on saltine crackers). The majority of my family would all run to the other side of the house and plug their noses for the next few days. After a while they started feeling left out and started a candy club (Pathetic).
I would take Sardines over Candy any day!
Anyways, as my family has grown and most of the family has moved out, our sardine club meetings have dwindled. I'm blogging to say that,
So, who's all in? Everyone's Invited!

Friday, March 9, 2007

I could watch this show over and over again!
They are soooo much fun and very romantic too
My favorite are the macaroons (all chewy and chocolatey)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Applesauce Cake in a Jar

My Sister-in-Law Andrea and I made Applesauce Cake in a Jar yesterday! I like it because it's delicious, easy to make, it slides right out of the jar, it lasts 6 months to a year, and it's nice to have something yummy to give away!!! So, here's how we made it:
Cream: 2/3 C. Shortening & 2 2/3 C. Sugar

Add: 4 eggs, 2/3 C. Water, 2 C. Applesauce
(It looks nasty at this point)

Mix: 3 1/2 C. Flour, 2 t. Baking Soda, 1/2 t. Baking Powder, 1 1/2 t. Salt, 1/4 t. Cloves, & 2 t. Cinnamon

Stir Together: Dry and Wet Ingredients
Optional:Add 1 Cup Chopped Nuts
(If you use a Bosch Mixer-It gets pretty full at this point)

Pour into 6 well greased, wide mouth pint canning jars. Fill to 1/2 Full.
(This gets a LITTLE MESSY- At least when I do it)
Bake on bottom rack 45 minutes at 325.

Remove jars one at a time. Cut off excess cake. Wipe rim clean and dip jar lid in boiling water. Place jar lid on top and screw band on tightly.
(We had to work quickly here-This is the most crucial part I would say)
Cool Jars.
Store, Give Away or Eat & Enjoy!