Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I'm so very excited because Tate's gone pee in the toilet twice today!! This morning during his bath, Tate told me on his own that he needed to go. I asked him if he wanted to go in the toilet, and he said he did. It took a while, but HE DID IT! After that, I took him to the store and we got some "Cars" underwear. Right when we got home-he went in the toilet again! EXCITING!!! Then, we went outside to do some gardening, and he had a little relapse. He was NOT happy about peeing on the ground. Anyways, we're still trying. Wish us luck! This potty training stuff isn't all that fun-at least for me. I guess it's got be learned sometime, especially before Preschool.
PRESCHOOL! I haven't written about Preschool yet. I might have possibly found a place. I'm thinking about SMES. It's so cheap, and good I hear! We'll see, I'm planning on visiting sometime soon. Supposedly transportation is included in the monthly fee of $60. Isn't that incredible? And... if I volunteer at the school once a week, then we pay NOTHING!
Yes, I'm just a little EXCITED!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I am so jealous! Savannah knows when she needs to go and will tell me (about 50% of the time). But she will only sit on the toilet for about 20 seconds and then gets stage fright and wants off. On Saturday she wore her panties for 4 hours and didn't have any problems, but when she had to go, I had her sit on the toilet 3 times and she just sat there crying, "I want a diaper!" So I guess that we're making progress, but she is just one stubborn little girl!
