Wednesday, May 30, 2007

1st Time at the Movies

This morning we woke up early (before 6), and I started thinking fast about what we could do to fill our long day. During the summer Harkins has this "Summer Movie Fun" thing where they play KIDS movies that are already out on DVD's, and it only costs $2 to get in. So, we gave it a try, and I am really surprised at how good Tate did! I bought popcorn so that he could stuff his mouth, thinking that would help with loud outbursts, and it did help I think. He only talked out loud about 5 times, so I think that was pretty good!

We had a really fun time, I think we'll do it again!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Most Recent Pool

This is Bryan's Latest Pool Project...

He designed it and built it all within about 6 weeks!

I really like the interior finish that they chose, it makes the pool look REALLY blue!

The slide and diving board make it look really fun to swim in...

Tate's Work Out

Given a choice between every movie we own (Cars, Nemo, Toy Story, etc.), Tate chose to watch PILATES!

It was hilarious watching him lay there on the ground trying to do the exercises...

Monday, May 28, 2007


We went and bought our dream truck Saturday Night!

Bryan's Top 3 Features:

  1. 5.7 L V8 Engine 381 HP

  2. Dual Exhaust

  3. TRD Suspension Pkg.

It's REALLY BIG and fun to ride in-so I'm good!

And Amazingly, Bryan somehow fits it in our garage!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tate's Rendition

"Two little blackbirds sitting on the wall, one named Grandma Margaret, one named Grandma Stradling... Fly away Grandma Margaret, Fly away Grandma Stradling. Come back Grandma Margaret, Come Back Grandma Stradling!"

Tate always surprises me with what he can come up with. He never fails to make me laugh!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Chair

We were given this table and two chairs when we got married 6 1/2 years ago. Then, Bryan found two more chairs in a dumpster at work. We cleaned them off really good, and even though I thought it was pretty nasty to use dumpster furniture, I gladly took them to having Tate sit on my lap during dinner! Well, one of the dumpster chairs broke almost immediately-and that left us with 3. The chairs that we have left are constantly breaking, and fixing them has practically become one of Bryan's chores.

Tate is VERY picky about which chair he will sit in!

In fact, he will only sit in this one. This morning, it broke!!!
Tate looked up at me, and VERY SERIOUSLY said, "Goldilocks broke it again-Daddy needs to fix it!"

Maybe one of these days we'll get a new kitchen table and chairs, until then Bryan can just keep fixing it!

Or we can just use our patio table and 6 chairs!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


A few weeks ago, Tate woke up in the morning and confidently announced, "my name is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!" I asked him if we could call him "Twinkles" for short, since that was my nickname when I was a small child. He happily agreed!

Tate still beams with JOY, everytime we call him "Twinkles!"

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Spotlight

-Rachel David Chambers-

This is my Great Great Great Grandma on my Mother's side. Rachel David Chambers was born March 3, 1842 in Llanelly, Wales. She was the youngest of 6 girls. When she was five years old, her family moved to the United States. Their voyage was long and Rachel and many other family members were afflicted with cholera while at sea. After 7 weeks and 5 days, they finally arrived in New Orleans. In 1852, the family traveled to Utah to be with the Saints.

As a young child, Rachel lost her hearing, and learned to lip read. She grew to be a very small woman-under 5 feet tall!

At the age of 21, Rachel married George Harrison Chambers. They lived in a two room dobe house. Rachel cooked by the fire for fourteen years before she had a stove. She used water from a ditch until they were able to have a well dug. In the winter time, Rachel had to go break the ice in the ditch.

Rachel and George had 12 children, 3 of which died as infants. Rachel knitted her children's stockings, and sewed pants for her husband out of wagon cover cloth. She also enjoyed baking bread.

Rachel's husband George built a large brick house out of brick he had made. She often wondered why he had built such a BIG house. George would tell her that he was going to have some more women. She replied, "You better not bring them here. I will have some scalding water for them all!"

Rachel David Chambers died at the age of seventy nine, from a throat infection. At the time of her death-she had forty two grandchildren and twenty five great grandchildren.

4 Generation Picture

Left to Right-Rachel David, Ora Wilson, Mary Chambers, and Ada Parkinson (Baby)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Official FLYBABY

Well, I've been a FLYBABY for a whole week now, and I'm loving it! For those of you who have no clue as to what I'm talking about-check out this AWESOME website. I joined this yahoo group called FLYLADY MENTORS that breaks down housework into little baby steps. I love it because I put in at least half the amount of effort and my house is at least twice as clean as it was before. I totally recommend Flylady to everyone. It works (at least in my case)!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Little Storyteller

Tate is a VERY GOOD storyteller (for a 2 1/2 year old). Here are 2 different (yet very much the same) stories that he made up all by himself, (I wrote them down word for word as he told them to me).

  1. Once upon a time there was a little Tate, he want a fan. He get a fan. I like it! Tate turned it on, it breaked. He had to fix it. He fix it, and HE DID IT! The End.
  2. Once upon a time there was a little Grandma Stradling. She want a fan. It breaked. She said, "what happened to fan", she fixed it. She turned it on. It blowed! The End.

As you can see, Tate really likes fans and stories and Grandma Stradling! The breaking part would be explained by his little hand held fan that always falls apart, and he fixes it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Beehive Party

Last night the Beehives had a swim party at our house for mutual! Our ward is being divided on Sunday, and we don't know who will be going to which ward. So, it was fun for everyone to get together one last time!

I know I've said this a million times, but I really love being a Beehive Advisor! They have a ton of charisma and are excited to go to mutual and even sit through a YW lesson. It's FUN teaching when the girls appreciate every little handout you make, and look forward to class activites, etc.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Library Card

We went to the LIBRARY finally again yesterday! It's been way to long. Tate just loves going...
Side Story: Tate is still obsessed with the movie "Cars". I bought him some car pull-ups the other day, and inside of them were 4 CARDS with pictures of the characters from the movie on them.
Back to the Library Story: Tate insisted on bringing his "cards" with him to the library. He put them in his pocket, and we were off. We had a great time, as always. When it was time to check out, the librarian asked for our library card. I reached in my purse to find my card, but Tate beat me to it. He very quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed one of his car cards, and gave it to the librarian. She just laughed!

Yes, I'm Pregnant!

I woke up at 4 AM yesterday to test, and surprise!I'm really excited, but just a little nervous because I've had some problems with pregnancies in the past... But, it was a great MOTHER'S DAY PRESENT for me, to say the least!
My due date's January 18, 2008!
When I was pregnant with Tate, we waited 4 months to tell anyone, (and we got away with it because I was pretty skinny) this time we just couldn't wait. Bryan and I told our family last night. We're not very good secret keepers!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

"Mother Dear I love you so, your happy smiling face is such a joy to look at, it makes home a lovely place!"

I love you Mother!

Happy Mother's Day!

You're the BEST!!!

Love, Maria

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Joseph & Christina's Wedding

-May 10th 2007-
The day began VERY EARLY for us... as we woke up at 2 AM to prepare for the long trip! We arrived in St. George sometime between 1 & 2 PM. Luckily we made it in time for the wedding at 3 PM AZ time. The actual ceremony was short and sweet-lasting less than 1/2 hour (my guess). Joseph & Christina are so happy to finally be married,

and we are ALL happy for them!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Getting Organized

So, I went out and bought a ton of organizing supplies. I was soooo tired of living in an unorganized and dirty house!!! I am LOVING the easiness of cleaning when everything has it's place. And after living in our house for over 4 years now, I'll tell you right now how badly I've been needing to do this...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

It seems like only yesterday when...
Christina & I were having teaparties with our baby dolls

When we were playing dress up, and when we sat on Santa's lap.

We seriously did


Now, we both are grown-and she is getting married soon! And here I am bauling like a baby! I'm so happy for her, and I will miss her. We will always be BEST FRIENDS!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Didn't your Mother ever teach you not to play with your food?

I know I shouldn't let Tate play with his food...
but I think it's SO DARN CUTE!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Joseph & Christina's Reception

The Reception was last night! Christina looked beautiful and they both looked so happy. It was so fun to see old friends and of course family!!! I also enjoyed getting all dressed up and having my hair done. That's always fun. Their wedding is next Thursday, so more pictures to come soon!

Tate stayed for pictures, and then the Stradlings came and picked him up! It would have been just a little crazy, so I'm glad they were able to watch him! Although I did have a few friends who wanted to see him. Christina had written a very cute song that she surprised Joseph with. It was all about their courtship, and she did a really good job singing it to him!