Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Spotlight

-Rachel David Chambers-

This is my Great Great Great Grandma on my Mother's side. Rachel David Chambers was born March 3, 1842 in Llanelly, Wales. She was the youngest of 6 girls. When she was five years old, her family moved to the United States. Their voyage was long and Rachel and many other family members were afflicted with cholera while at sea. After 7 weeks and 5 days, they finally arrived in New Orleans. In 1852, the family traveled to Utah to be with the Saints.

As a young child, Rachel lost her hearing, and learned to lip read. She grew to be a very small woman-under 5 feet tall!

At the age of 21, Rachel married George Harrison Chambers. They lived in a two room dobe house. Rachel cooked by the fire for fourteen years before she had a stove. She used water from a ditch until they were able to have a well dug. In the winter time, Rachel had to go break the ice in the ditch.

Rachel and George had 12 children, 3 of which died as infants. Rachel knitted her children's stockings, and sewed pants for her husband out of wagon cover cloth. She also enjoyed baking bread.

Rachel's husband George built a large brick house out of brick he had made. She often wondered why he had built such a BIG house. George would tell her that he was going to have some more women. She replied, "You better not bring them here. I will have some scalding water for them all!"

Rachel David Chambers died at the age of seventy nine, from a throat infection. At the time of her death-she had forty two grandchildren and twenty five great grandchildren.

4 Generation Picture

Left to Right-Rachel David, Ora Wilson, Mary Chambers, and Ada Parkinson (Baby)

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