Tate started preschool on Tuesday!
I can hardly believe that he's 3, and old enough to go! He had a great time his first day and was so happy afterwards.They said he did "okay", and he came home with a green sticker in his folder. Meaning he showed Awesome Behavior!
Yellow=Good, but more warnings than usual
Red=Needs to Improve
Later that day, Tate decorated his face with green stickers all over it!
The second day of preschool, he got a yellow sticker in his folder. Tate told me that his teachers put him in time out because he was poking a little boy and because he didn't sit down when they asked him to. At least he knows what it is he's doing wrong. He literally cried all the way home, because he wanted a green sticker! We'll see how it goes this next week.
On a side note:
I've been told a lot lately that I'm a "softy" when it comes to disciplining. So... I've made some new rules and I'm totally sticking to them. NO MORE MRS. NICE MOM!
I can't believe Tate's in school. How fun! I bet he does great at school. He's just a fun all around boy!