Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Birthday Gift

Isn't this just the cutest little puppy you ever saw?
He's going to be ours on Saturday (my birthday), & I'm SO EXCITED!
He was born on September 1st, so he's only 5 weeks old. He's a pure bred Jack Russell. It's going to be great to have our very first dog!!!


  1. He is so cute! And he looks so little. Do they stay pretty small or how big do they get? I'm so excited for you guys! (I'm just not jealous of your drive to go and get him!)

  2. adorable dog maria! and happy birthday! I think I'm going to have to come get some cinnoman rolls those look mouth watering!

  3. That is one adorable dog. We have a little pure-bred Rat Terrier. Little dogs are the cutest.

  4. Oh my, so cute! I want it! I'm so jealous that you get to have a dog. I've had dog envy for pretty much every dog out there for a long time. I want a hound dog so badly with floppy ears and droopy eyes but that puppy takes the cake!
