Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Baby for Christmas...

Tate woke up this morning and asked me "Mom, why you don't have a baby?" I told him that we will just have to pray harder. He said, "Not softly?" I told him that we have to pray like we mean it. He said, "Let's pray". We went into the Family Room and knelt down. He wanted to say the prayer and began, "Heavenly Father, I really really really want a baby", then he told him all the reasons why he wants one. When he finished, I asked him, "Is Heavenly Father going to give us a baby". He replied, "Yes". I said, "When?" He said confidently, "On the 25th". Then he started talking about a baby on the scooter that he's been asking for... and Santa bringing Mommy a baby for Christmas...

Seriously, how do you explain God's timing to a 3 year old? And then, how do you explain that when it does happen, it takes nine months. I love Tate's innocence and honesty! He's so special and I can totally learn from his Faith and confidence in what he asks for. Maybe he's right "we just need to pray a little harder-not softly".


  1. Ohhhhh that is soo sweet. I love the innocence of a child. I hope gods timing isn't too much longer for you guys. I'll take Tate adivise and pray harder too.

  2. Wow that is so touching. you are so amassing! we will pray that Lord will bless you with a child soon!! if you ever need any support we are going through not having baby also. call if you need anything

  3. what a sweetheart! the Lord does have his timing, and i wish it went along with mine more, but it always works out, so stay strong! tate is a cutie!!

  4. Ha ha. I love 3 year olds. They crack me up.
