Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sad Sad Sad Day

I NO LONGER have a camera! Crazy, but I've been using Bryan's work camera when I could this whole long time, and now his work unexpectedly and out of the blue asked for it back... And as you all know, my blogging is mostly pictures. So I'm very sad to say it but until I get a new camera, my blogging is just going to be inconsistent and on a when I can basis. I seriously never thought this day would come!


  1. That is so sad! We got ours at Costco, and love it! They have good deals! And thanks for the Sister Savings web site, I love it! And thanks for the gardening tip! We are getting ready to plant and that REALLY helps!!

  2. I am so sad. I like looking at the funny things you guys are doing. Your so creative and fun!
