Rode Horses
Rode Big Quads & Little Toy Quads
(Actually I didn't ride because after Bryan & I wrecked one a couple years ago I've been terrified of quads ever since-I'll have to share that story some time)
Went to the CRAWDAD HOLE and had much success.
Even Tate caught a little baby crawdad of which he held in his hand for a very very long time.
We boiled the crawdads & would you believe that I ate them and they were actually really good. We also did a ton of other fun things not pictured including canning MORE pickles, geocaching, having a family baseball game, going on another treasure hunt, visiting the oldest standing schoolhouse in AZ, and we even had a talent show/karaoke night. Bryan surprised me by singing "Forever & Ever Amen".
Bryan & Tate ended up going home Saturday night, and I stayed until Sunday afternoon until Joseph & Christina dropped me off at girls camp at Camp Lomia.
I SURVIVED girls camp & now I'm officially home again home again! Yeah...
you guys are such a cute family!