Monday, October 27, 2008

Anniversary Scrapbook

Bryan's parents celebrated their 30th anniversary earlier this month. Their children all put together a surprise party in honor of them. They planned it all out from a Mexican Buffet to a beautiful Carrot Cake (the same that they had on their wedding). It was so fun to be a part of it and to watch Keith & Dianna's faces as they arrived.

Prior to the party, each of the children (and Dianna's Parents) documented their favorite family memory and provided a picture to go along with their story. I had the honor of compliling each of these special memories into a scrapbook that we gave Keith & Dianna as an anniversary gift. Each of the squares in the above picture represents one page of the scrapbook. We had them printed at Costco as 8x8 inch photos. Then we placed the pages in sheet protectors and into a binder. It turned out really awesome if I do say so myself.

Since I love to scrapbook, it was a ton of fun. But I must admit it was just a tad crazy trying to complete this project in less than 3 days...


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! It turned out so great! I absolutely love it and I know my parents do too! You put so much work into it! Thanks for pulling it all together at the last minute. Now we'll have to work on getting all those pictures put back in their proper places.

  2. That is so fun...
    My sister-in-law does a great job scrap booking the family too. It's always a great gift.

  3. Fun idea! I might have to steal it for my parents this coming July.

  4. You are very talented! What a cute idea for the whole family to do.

  5. Thanks Maria, I'm glad to hear it turned out well. If you get a chance could you email me a copy of the memories? Thanks for the hard work!
