Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Story of a Boy and his 3 Sunbeam Teachers...

Once upon a time, there lived a little boy who LOVED his Sunbeam teachers-all 3 of them. He wanted to make them happy. Whenever he saw them he would hug them and say, "I love you so much. You're so pretty, etc". At the end of the year his Mother told him that he was only going to get to go to Sunbeams one more week, and he cried. He insisted that he wasn't ever going to grow up and that he wanted to stay in Sunbeams forever. After talking about it for a very very very long time, the little boy understood that sooner or later he was going to have to grow up and that he mine as well accept the fact. So, the little boy decided that because he would miss his teachers so much, he wanted to make some Christmas Goodies and bring them to his teachers. So he did. He was very brave and went up to Sister McCleve's house all by himself. She answered the door and he gave her kisses and hugs. He rambled on about how he was going to miss her. He gave her some Gingerbread Men and said, "Don't let the cookies drop or else they might run away". Next the little boy and his Mother went to visit Sister Stoker. The minute she answered the door the little boy said, " Guess what? We are going to play hide and go seek at your house"! His Mom was embarrassed, but Sister Stoker invited them in. Then the little boy randomly said, "I want an apple because I'm hungry. Sister Stoker, can I please have an apple"? His Mother was embarrassed again, and then they left. Lastly they went to Sister Peak's house. The little boy got out of the car to go give her her Christmas treats. He was scared to ring the doorbell because he thought "It was a bad guys house". But finally he gained courage and when Sister Peak answered the door, a HUGE smile spread across his face. The little boy thanked her for being his teacher. Then he walked back to the car where his Mother was waiting, climbed in, and shut the door behind him. He was SO HAPPY and ready to move up and be in the CTR 5 class-no more tears!