Thursday, December 17, 2009

No Secrets Around Here!

{Picture from Dinner tonight}

Bryan & Tate went Christmas shopping (for me) this afternoon...

When they came home, Tate was SUPER giddy (jumping around me and beaming from head to toe!) I could tell he was just DYING to tell me all of my presents. So I reminded him NOT to tell me and that I would just have to wait.

About 15 minutes later Tate said, "Mom one of your presents is really really pretty! It might be jewelry".

Might be Jewelry!!! For reals? How can that comment not get me going? "Maybe it's a ring", I pondered out loud. "No Mom, it's not a ring but it OPENS up that's your clue!"

Hmmm. Jewelry that opens up... I wonder what that might be? Ha/Ha.

Then less than five minutes later Tate said, "Mom, Dad told me we couldn't get you the movie Sword in the Stone. He wanted to get you another movie called Har..." He caught himself then began talking again "Oops I'm NOT going to tell you. I've never even seen the movie, well at least this one. I've seen some of the other ones".

Another Hmmm. Could he possibly be referring to Harry Potter?

What can I say? Christmas is AWESOME with a five year old!

1 comment:

  1. Autumn's has kind of figured out that there are presents wrapped up, only when she can peek in and see what it is!
