Thursday, February 15, 2007

Balloon Fun

This movie of Bryan & Tate is really funny, we were laughing for a long time!


  1. I changed a setting on it, see if it works now. Thanks Kristy-let me know either way.

  2.'s still only letting me see the first half.

  3. Oh my goodness, I can't believe that you actually found out how to fix it. Good job! I went ahead and took the easy way out and watched it on Jon's laptop! ;) But thanks for looking it up. I guess that that makes sense that it would just store that on my computer like just makes me frustrated sometimes though.

    Anyways, it was very cute! Tate is so funny. I think that Savannah feels about the same way about balloons. She's not sure if she likes them or if she should be scared of them! Thanks again for checking out my problem! You're the best!
