Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Memory Triggers-Valencia Lane

Okay, this is for all of my THOMAS FAMILY... So if you're reading this and you are related to Jack & Ada, then that means you. I thought it would be fun to play a little memory triggers game. I was thinking today about Grandma Ada & Grandpa Jack and the beautiful home that they lived in on Valencia Lane so many years ago. I have so many fond memories there as a child. Here are a few things that I think of when I think of Valencia Lane...
  • Orange Couches in Family Room
  • Big Orange Lamps & Porcelain dolls on end tables-always dusty
  • Pantry always stocked with Oatmeal Cookies with Frosting
  • Vitamin C Chewable Tablets in kitchen cupboard
  • Grandpa always made me a Blueberry Milkshake
  • Eating Frozen Grapes straight from the freezer
  • Playing in the Toy/Sewing Room (Glow Worm)
  • Grandfather Clock in Living Room
  • Chess Game on coffee table in the Living Room
  • Piano and Organ on same wall in Living Room
  • Grandma Playing songs for kids to dance to: How Would You Like To Be a Jumping Jack Like Me, Halloween Cat, Choo Choo the Big Train, The Giant Takes Big Steps
  • Grandpa’s office overlooking golf course (always had a portable heater)
  • Blue Water in Toilet
  • Snails in oleanders in the front yard
  • Uncle Richard scaring me of the Boogie man next door
  • Raised garden beds with fruit trees, etc.
  • Wheelbarrow rides
  • Beautiful tiered waterfall on front porch
  • Sleepovers with cousin
  • Swimming in pool with cousins
  • Fireworks on 4th of July (Grandpa never came for some reason)
  • Walks on the golfcourse, running through the sprinklers, climbing trees, looking for duck eggs
  • Back patio covered with astro turf
  • Going to garage sales with Grandma
  • Thanksgiving-olives on all ten fingers
  • Porch Swings on Back & Front Patios
  • Drinking Fountain on side of the house and in family room

    Please Note: This is the memory of when I was a very small child-some of the things are completely random.

Now It's your turn...
What comes to your mind when you think of Grandma Ada and Grandpa Jack's home? Please add a comment below, it will be a ton of fun to see what it is that everyone else remembers.


  1. I don't have many memories of Grandma and Grandpa's old house because I was pretty small when they moved. I do remember the fireworks and the "Grandma" cookies though. I also remember the swimming pool and some little snippets of other memories like the hanging ball light fixtures in the house.

    The memories I have of them are of when they moved to that townhouse to be closer to our Moms. Melanie and I would spend the night there at least once a week and I have some great stories and funny memories from that.

  2. wow! that brought back a TON of memories for me.

    I remember the bird mobile-thing hanging in the kitchen and the swivel chairs at the kitchen counter.

    Playing with sparklers in the back yard before we'd go to see the fireworks.

    I remember all of the old dolls (and the glow-worm) in the corner of the family room and the smell of dust and... old.

    I DEFINITELY remember the blue toilet water, it always scared me, and the scale in the bathroom. I always tried to figure out how to use it but I don't think I ever did.

  3. Maria,
    Below are a few of my memories

    Fort in the oleanders
    Grandmas Roses (Thorns on nose & scaring Maria)
    Grandma's chimes
    Grandpa's Rootbeer and dry ice
    Workshop in back of the pool area-uncle Richard worked doing computers
    Pine Tree and Pine Cones for decorations
    Grandma garage sale and picking birthday presents from table
    Grandma's shells
    Orange juice and cottage cheese for Grandma
    Grandpa's Magnets
    Printer Room with stock quotes printing out (or something like that)
    Diaper stash at the end of the hall
    Closing Pocket doors
    Grandma's Queen Chair with snakes and lady on it
    Old Lake and New Lake
    Old Dead tree that had been struck by lightning
    Kick the Can and Star Wonder Star Bright Hope I don't see a ghost tonight Games
    Looking for Golf Tees and angels in the sand, Mom telling us to get out
    Big Huge window wall on west side in family room
    Huge CD Player that Malen gave them
    Black and White old TV with Huge Knobs
