Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 100-4 Kids!

We've been babysitting my nieces (Rebecca and Katie) and nephew (Anson) this weekend. Yesterday I was totally daring and we rode bikes to the park by their house. Just imagine... Tate on a big wheel which he's never ridden before, Rebecca on her bike with training wheels, Anson on his trike that he has a hard time riding by himself, and me on a bike with Katie in a little seat on back. I'd say the longest part was getting drinks and diapers ready and then finding helmets and putting them on. It probably took 1/2 hour just doing that alone... The bike ride itself took maybe 5-10 minutes each way.
For those of you who have 4+ kids under the age of four and "get out" on a regular basis-you are awesome!!! I hate to say it, but if it were me... I think I just may be living at home 24/7. But then again-The long afternnoon nap that the kids all took may have been an adequate compensation. I don't know. It's tough to say.

1 comment:

  1. your telling me. add one more. :) it is definitely all worth it though. it is all about memories for me.
