Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bryan is Awesome!

I briefly mentioned to Bryan when we were talking on the phone yesterday that ENCHANTED was officially out on DVD. Knowing that I'd already blown the budget for this month, I didn't tell him how much I really wanted it, and I tried to not make a big deal about it. But when he came home from work I totally lost my self control and expressed my desire to watch ENCHANTED tonight. As I was saying it, I glanced on the counter and there it was... my very own ENCHANTED DVD, it was as if Bryan had read my mind. Yeah!!!! Seriously, Bryan rarely splurges on anything. So, this was totally awesome.

So we watched it last night. Apparently Bryan didn't know what he was in for (I had seen it in the theatre with some friends, and he hadn't watched it yet). Afterwards all he had to say was that it wasn't his type of movie. And then he had to listen to me go on & on about how much I liked it.


  1. Isn't it great when your husband can read your mind.

  2. I thought that movie was so funny. I loved the little squirrel immitating Giselle and the with with the apple.
