Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What WE Do...

Someone asked me the other day what I've been up to... I totally spaced it and couldn't think of anything besides the things on this list. Ha, Ha.
I LOVE being a Mom!


  1. HI, :) My name is Casey, and I was blog hopping.. We also got our pictures done with Janelle, she is geat! I love your scrapbooking pages!! Did you do it on the computer? I need to find a good program to do that! You did a great job, it looks awesome!

  2. Hi Casey,
    I totally agree with you, Janelle is great! Thanks for the compliments on my scrapbooking. Just to answer some of your questions, I did do it on the computer. I used a program called Adobe Photoshop CS2. It's really an amazing program-not to cheap, but it's the best that I know of and it's capabilities are endless. Good luck to you!
