Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Carpet at Last!

Back in January we had a little accident happen one night when Bryan & I went out- that had to do with smurf blue paint and a bottle of bleach on our family room carpet. (No details here-I promised the guilty ones that they would remain anonymous)

Well, I'm very happy to say that our problem area is now fixed and I am a very happy Mom once more. Now when I clean the house, it might actually look clean :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

52 Blessings-Week 8

My blessing this week is my raised garden! For anyone thinking about planting a garden, this is the way to go. It not only looks pretty along the side of the wall, but it takes up less space and it is very nice to be able to have somewhere to sit while gardening. For a small family, it gives us just the right amount of produce plus a little extra to share with family and neighbors.
I can't tell you enough how important soil preparation is when it comes to gardening. I've posted soil instructions on my blog twice before, but it never hurts to do it again. Click HERE for AZ garden soil prep.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Weekend Happenings

  • Helping my parents refinish their kitchen cabinets (a.k.a. Bryan helping and Tate & I playing with the cousins and cooking lunch)

  • Going to the park to fly a kite & eating homemade pizza while on a blanket in the grass

  • Bryan & I singing a duet in Sacrament Meeting (SCARY!)

  • Playing soccer in the backyard with absolutely PERFECT weather

  • Hiking Monday Morning and making echoes in the canyon (Tate LOVED this so much)

  • Watching the entire Star Wars Trilogy (Can you believe that I had NEVER WATCHED Return of the Jedi?)

  • Harvesting a ton of veggies from the garden/shredding & chopping zucchini to freeze for zucchini bread and zucchini pie (I have enough frozen now to make 12 loaves of bread and 2 pies)

  • BBQ with Bryan's Family (We stayed till really late visiting :)

  • Tate sleeping over at Grandma's House (YEAH!)

If only it was a HOLIDAY every weekend. I know that I would definitely be in Heaven!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Just FYI

My bro Thomas just graduated from MHS last night. They had an indoor graduation because of the rain. He told me it was pretty crazy; they split the graduates into two groups and held one in the auditorium and the other in the gym. Each graduate could only have 2 guests, so we didn't get to go :(

52 Blessings-Week 7

I've been slacking majorly with scrapbooking lately, especially with the journaling part. Every time I sit down to scrap it seems like I haven't been able to come up with anything or it takes me forever to think of something. I'm hoping that it's just a fluke thing and that it comes back to me. Anyways, my blessing this week is GOOD FOOD! What would I do without it?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Awesome Blog I Found...

Something that nobody knows about me is that I have ALWAYS had a dream of going to beauty school and becoming an amazing hairstylist! My favorite thing is looking at cute styles for little girls and then practicing on my nieces-maybe someday I'll have a daughter of my own to doll up (because I totally will). Anyways, click HERE to check out this awesome blog that I found. The tutorials look piece of cake to follow and I can't wait to try them out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys...

Bryan's finally managed to teach Tate how to make the "STINK EYE" face!
It's so funny to me the kind of things that boys enjoy doing together. They're WAY DIFFERENT than girls, that's all I have to say!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sweet Little Tate

Tate is our little singer! He loves to sing for other people and especially enjoys the attention he gets from it. Here's a little movie of him singing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes".

Sorry it's sideways!

Tate was in his very first Talent Show last night. He sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". It wasn't a planned out thing, but when he saw the other kids doing talents he wanted to participate too. I asked him what he would like to do, and he suggested this song. He did a great job even if he forgot the words!

One more story about Tate... I failed to write about my Mother's Day, but it was absolutely splendid. Tate (and of course Bryan) totally made it awesome! This was my favorite thing that happened though: The primary kids were scheduled to sing a medley of songs in Sacrament Meeting, and Tate couldn't wait to sing. All throughout Sacrament he kept asking if it was time to go up yet. Finally when it was time, he marched up very quickly and confidently. I was so nervous when he beat everyone else up there and I watched as his little hand pulled the microphone down. He was so sweet as he said very softly, Mudder (translation: Mother) I love you!


Saturday, May 17, 2008


I read THIS POST yesterday and thought it was so much fun, I wanted to try it out myself. It's amazing to me how much little things (like food in a fridge) can tell about a person, and how everyone is completely different when it comes to stocking the fridge and pantry.


  • We LOVE milk and can't ever have enough of it. We drink it with all of our meals and typically go through at least 1/2 gallon a day.

  • Being the mexican chef that I am, I make sure that we always have beans, rice, and pico de gallo on hand. They are probably the biggest staple in our household.

  • We also ALWAYS have corn tortillas and cheese. Usually we have homemade flour tortillas (but not always).

  • We love fresh produce and typically get quite a bit from our garden. I usually go to the Superstition Ranch Market to get the rest of our fresh fruit and veggies. I can get 3-4 bags full for under $12.

  • The freezer is where I stock all of my baked goods, I ALWAYS have homemade bread & cookies. I almost always have cinnamon rolls.

  • I usually have whole chicken on hand, and I use it a lot in my cooking. Typically we have some sort of fish as well.

  • In the pantry I always have pinto, black, and lentil beans, rice, flour, hard white wheat, all different kinds of sugar, homemade jam, and honey.

What's in YOUR fridge and pantry? I dare you to embarrass yourself like me and post it on your blog.

Update on James

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to update you on James' health. He is doing amazingly good for going through as much as he did in his motorcycle accident. All of the doctors at the hospital keep telling him what a miracle it is that he is in as good a shape as he is in. His main injuries include a broken and severely cut up right knee, a broken left hand (He had surgery on his hand yesterday and had 5 staples put in), and of course a concussion. He is still in the hospital but I anticipate will be coming home fairly soon. Thank you for all the prayers, they've definitely helped!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

James' Accident

(NOTE:The motorcycle in the picture above is NOT the one he wrecked)

My brother James was in a motorcycle accident last night at 6:30 PM. The accident took place on University and Country Club as he was driving home from work. James was luckily wearing his helmet at the time the accident took place, and it was supposedly the other driver's fault. James was found 40 feet from the accident, and suffered from a concussion and retrograde amnesia (he couldn't remember anything that had taken place in the last year of his life). He was immediately taken to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital to be treated for his injuries. Bryan & I headed down there as soon as we heard the news. We were able to briefly visit with him. He has a broken left knee and will be having surgery on that today. Just wanted to let everyone know so that you can keep him in your prayers...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Krispy Kreme is Now Open in Mesa!

Just wanted to spread the exciting news that Krispy Kreme opened this morning. I'm headed there right now!

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Little Book of Prophets

When I was just a little girl, my Mom made me a tiny little book with pictures of all the Latter-Day Prophets in it, it also included each of their signatures. I LOVED that book, and I can still remember looking at their faces and trying to match them with their names. It seriously had a big impact on my life. I've been wanting to make a book for Tate (for quite some time) that is similar to the one that I had when I was little, and I finally got around to doing it.

I thought that I would share it with all of you-in case you'd like to have one for your kids and don't want to go through all the fun that I have in finding everything for it. So, if you click on the pictures below they should open up big enough for you to print them off. Like I said, the pages are little (only 4"x4"). I printed mine on cardstock paper and then glued 2 pages together to make them extra thick. I then got them laminated so that it will HOPEFULLY last for a very long time. I considered binding it, but then thought it would be fun and cute to use the rings with some tied ribbon. (I think it would turn out fine either way).

Zucchini Overload

I LOVE this time of year when zucchini's grow in abundance. My favorite thing to do with fresh zucchinis is to make zucchini bread! When I was a teenager, my sister and I used to make it to sell to people-Oh the memories! Here is the delicious recipe that I love so much...

Zucchini Bread


6 Beaten Eggs
1 ½ C. Oil
4 tsp. Vanilla
3 ½ C. Sugar
6 C. Flour
2 Tsp. Salt
2 Tsp. Soda
1 Tsp. Baking Powder
12 Tbsp. Cinnamon
4 C. Grated Zucchini
1 C. Nuts (Optional)


Beat eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar with mixer. Combine flour, salt, soda, baking powder, and cinnamon. Add zucchini to egg mixture. Slowly add dry ingredients mixing thoroughly but do not beat with mixer. Blend in nuts. Bake for 50 minutes at 350. Makes 4 loaves. (For disposable mini tins-bake for 38 minutes)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

52 Blessings-Week 5 & 6

Today my blessings are the girls in my life-my dear Mother and sister! I love them both so much and I'm so thankful for them.
I haven't gotten around to the journaling page yet, but It's coming soon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Graduations & Ouchies

Congratulations to both Tyler & Andrea (2 of Bryan's siblings) who graduated this week! Tyler graduated from ASU in Landscape Architecture, and Andrea graduated from NAU in Elementary Education.

So in case your wondering about Tate's ouchies, he ran directly into a Foosball table and happened to poke his eye on the only stick that didn't have a cap. Yes he did pass out, and yes I almost did too when I saw what happened! Poor Tate.

Meet Baby Dale...

This is Tate's baby BOY doll and his very best friend!
The other day, Tate asked to have a picnic with Baby Dale outside. So, he fed his baby (and himself) apples and oranges and lots of water.
Tate is so sweet. He loves his little baby doll, of course he NEVER fails to pray for 2 real babies in every prayer he says. The other day he said to me, "But why does Heavenly Father say not yet?" I simply said, "It's just not the right time yet and H.F. knows best." He seemed good with that answer. It's amazing how much FAITH he has because he never gives up praying for it :) I love Tate so much!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008


I've been watching Aaron & Andrea's kids the last couple days. They've both been really good, and we've had a ton of fun, but I've come to realize something...One child is hard, two is easier, and three is hardest! I have no idea how you people do it who have more than 2 kids. You should be given a month vacation every year.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Memory Triggers-Valencia Lane

Okay, this is for all of my THOMAS FAMILY... So if you're reading this and you are related to Jack & Ada, then that means you. I thought it would be fun to play a little memory triggers game. I was thinking today about Grandma Ada & Grandpa Jack and the beautiful home that they lived in on Valencia Lane so many years ago. I have so many fond memories there as a child. Here are a few things that I think of when I think of Valencia Lane...
  • Orange Couches in Family Room
  • Big Orange Lamps & Porcelain dolls on end tables-always dusty
  • Pantry always stocked with Oatmeal Cookies with Frosting
  • Vitamin C Chewable Tablets in kitchen cupboard
  • Grandpa always made me a Blueberry Milkshake
  • Eating Frozen Grapes straight from the freezer
  • Playing in the Toy/Sewing Room (Glow Worm)
  • Grandfather Clock in Living Room
  • Chess Game on coffee table in the Living Room
  • Piano and Organ on same wall in Living Room
  • Grandma Playing songs for kids to dance to: How Would You Like To Be a Jumping Jack Like Me, Halloween Cat, Choo Choo the Big Train, The Giant Takes Big Steps
  • Grandpa’s office overlooking golf course (always had a portable heater)
  • Blue Water in Toilet
  • Snails in oleanders in the front yard
  • Uncle Richard scaring me of the Boogie man next door
  • Raised garden beds with fruit trees, etc.
  • Wheelbarrow rides
  • Beautiful tiered waterfall on front porch
  • Sleepovers with cousin
  • Swimming in pool with cousins
  • Fireworks on 4th of July (Grandpa never came for some reason)
  • Walks on the golfcourse, running through the sprinklers, climbing trees, looking for duck eggs
  • Back patio covered with astro turf
  • Going to garage sales with Grandma
  • Thanksgiving-olives on all ten fingers
  • Porch Swings on Back & Front Patios
  • Drinking Fountain on side of the house and in family room

    Please Note: This is the memory of when I was a very small child-some of the things are completely random.

Now It's your turn...
What comes to your mind when you think of Grandma Ada and Grandpa Jack's home? Please add a comment below, it will be a ton of fun to see what it is that everyone else remembers.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Garden Treasures

We had 3 nice little surprises in our garden this morning:
  1. juicy ripe tomato
  2. perfect little zucchini
  3. bright yellow summer crookneck squash
Tate & I were thrilled to find them, and we both ate them on the spot.

* I've noticed the biggest difference in my garden this season so far. Since Rascal bit the sprinkler heads off in the garden, I was forced to water the garden by hand, which has produced MUCH BIGGER than my average sized plants. I don't think that I'll ever go back to the sprinklers! Plus it's actually very therapeutic and enjoyable for me to water the garden in the mornings.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Random Things I Want to Make...

I think this little cap is the most adorable thing in the whole world. HERE is the tutorial. It doesn't look that tricky either.
I could totally use one of these monitor boosters. HERE is where I found these.
Believe it or not, I don't even own an apron. With as much cooking as I do, I think that I should make myself one of these. The pattern is only $11.95 HERE.
I think this would make such a cute Mother's Day gift! It's a picture of the child's favorite food his Mother makes and the instructions on how he thinks she makes it-priceless! HERE are the instructions.
I love sillouettes! This is such a good idea to display it on a plate. Click HERE for this tutorial.
This would be a fun/quick/cute craft to do with Tate. I found it HERE.
Oh joy, now I have to decide which of these projects to do first...

He RUINED My Smile!!!

I am seriously so bitter right now... It's been 3 days since my root canal, and the left side of my face (all the way from the ear to the mouth) is still tingly and weird feeling. When I try to smile, I can't get the left side of my mouth to raise-so it just sags. Seriously, can anyone else notice or is it just me? Bryan thinks that I'm over reacting, but this is my smile I'm talking about.

I'm just hoping that he didn't do any permanent damage to my nerves. He did give me like 7 numbing injections (one of them being straight up through the nerve). I have NEVER experienced a greater shocking pain in my entire life than with that shot. It really felt like I was being electrocuted through my tooth! It was so bad that the nurse literally had to hold me down.

We'll see what happens... I'm going to call tomorrow and try to figure things out. Wish me luck!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Very Favorite Thing About Photoshop...

When I first started to do digital scrapbooking, I would get so frustrated because I would have the hardest time coming up with pictures, paper, and embellishments that all matched without buying a new kit for every page that I made. I wanted the colors in my paper collection to match the colors in my photos better and sometimes the other way around. One of the greatest days of my life came when I learned how to recolor (change the hue/saturation) of a picture... All of a sudden the possibilities were endless!

HERE is the tutorial that opened my eyes several months ago. Notice the differences in these two pages. Here is the after...

And this is the before. With changing the hue/saturation I can use the same paper and make it blue, green, white, or whatever!

Oh, and another one of my favorite things is using templates or sketches that somebody else has already made up. This is one from Jennifer Woodbury-she is amazing! HERE are some more of hers.