We had a combined Relief Society/Priesthood meeting on Sunday about "marriage between a man and a women" and they mentioned prop 102. I feel very strongly about this issue and just wanted to encourage everyone to register to vote so that we can make a difference in our state. Here is a copy of an email that I received from my sister in law that explains this proposition in more detail... Vote YES on Prop 102!!!
http://www.yesformarriage.com/ This message is so important that it is worth everyone spending a couple of minutes for everyone to review it about Prop 102 here in Arizona. Please take a few minutes to read below about why you absolutely NEED to be informed. Read below about how our lives and especially our children's lives will change if we allow same sex marriage in our state. Here is the entire text of Prop 102 - 'Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage in this state.'Failing to pass this will not only go against many of our core values, but also there are many other repercussions that are already happening in CA that I hadn't even thought of. This is not a 'hate' mail against homosexuality, please do not take it as such. There are 9 examples below worth reading which shows what is already happening.
We will have the chance to voice our opinions soon by voting YES on PROP 102! So many times, the majority of people who believe in basic God given values go unheard because we are so timid in voicing our opinions. For example - no prayer in school. Although 80% of us believe in God and prayer to a higher being, it's the 20% who don't that have the voice because they put up the 'biggest fuss'. I think it's time that we put up a fuss about something so important.
Remember, there are only a few weeks left to register to vote and it's so easy to do it! Go to: http://www.servicearizona.com/ and you can do it right now! Please register. https://recorder.maricopa.gov/earlyvoteballotnet/evbrequest.aspx Ask for a mail in ballot and you'll have no reason to get this done. Even if you have no desire to vote on anything else, please take at least a couple of minutes to register and vote on Prop 102. It is just too important, to not do it.
Just read the following examples of what can take place if we do not take action now....
1. Children in public schools will have to be taught that same-sex marriage is just as good as traditional marriage . The California Education Code (§51890) already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage. Therefore, unless Proposition 8 passes (similar to Arizona's Prop 102), children will be taught that marriage is a relation between any two adults regardless of gender. There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.
2. It will lead to more government intrusion into private lives. A photographer in Albuquerque refused to photograph a lesbian couple's civil union ceremony. The New Mexico Human Rights Commission fined the photographer $6000 even though there were other photographers willing to accept the business. And this in a state where same-sex marriage is still illegal.
3. It will lead to speech monitors. An employee at the City of Oakland was threatened with termination for using the terms 'natural family, marriage and family values' while discussing a public issue with co-workers. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal backed up the district court saying administrative efficiency in a government office is more important than. Today it's municipal employees; tomorrow . who?
4. Anti-discrimination regulations will become more important than religious beliefs. In Vista, California, a lesbian couple sued a doctor who refused to perform a requested artificial insemination because of the doctor's religious beliefs. Although another doctor offered to do the procedure, the California Supreme Court held unanimously that the '1st Amendment's right to the free exercise of religion does not exempt defendant physicians here from conforming their conduct to the . antidiscrimination requirements.' An elective procedure, no emergency involved, another doctor willing to do the procedure. Anti-bias laws still outweigh religion.
5. Churches will be sued over their tax-exempt status if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings open to the public. While pastors, priests, ministers, bishops, and rabbis may not be forced to conduct such marriages themselves, they will be required to allow such marriages in their chapels and sanctuaries.
6. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston has already closed its doors because of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
7. Religions that sponsor private schools with married-student housing will be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if counter to church doctrine, or risk lawsuits over tax exemptions and related benefits.
8. Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages will be sued for hate speech and could be fined by the government. It has already happened in Canada, one of six countries that have legalized gay marriage. If a government agency such as the Alberta Human Rights Commission can stop a minister from teaching his church's doctrine about marriage, then it won't be long before everyone's free speech rights will be in jeopardy.
9. It will cost everyone more money. This change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits, including some already decided adversely. Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today's activist judges), think of the money - your money, your church contributions - that will be spent on legal battles.
Think of a world where Human Rights Commissions - unelected bureaucrats with unfettered authority - are judge, jury, and executioner of anything they feel is antagonistic speech toward same-sex marriage and its practitioners.
Think of a world where the judicial system relegates long-held religious beliefs to second-class importance behind anti-bias laws and a newly discovered protected class of people.
Think of a world where the public school system is required to teach values and beliefs to your children that may conflict with your own.
Think of the very real threat to your parental rights, your free speech, your freedom of religion.
And think of all the unintended consequences that we cannot even foresee at this time. Where will it end?
It's your children, your grandchildren, your money, and your freedoms.
Lets work together to protect them. http://www.yesformarriage.com/
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