Growing up, my Mother used to store our artwork, schoolwork, birthday cards, report cards, class pictures etc. in 2 inch notebooks. She would place the work in sheet protectors, so that it would look nice and would last a long time. It was a very easy and quick alternative to scrapbooking.
I'd always been happy that she saved so many of my memories even if it took up 12+notebooks. During the past several years, I've had friends comment on my books. Some of them thought it was cool, others totally made fun of me for keeping it all.
Recently I've gone back and forth on the matter. It is a lot to store... But then again, it is so much fun reminiscing my childhood. Lately I've heard about a lot of people going digital-scanning in all of their children's artwork etc. and not keeping a thing. Although I think that this is great for storage purposes, I personally enjoy flipping through an actual book. I would LOVE to scrapbook it all, but let's be real here-I simply don't have the time to scrapbook everything.
I have to admit... I've had Tate's stuff stored in a box until I could decide which system to use. It has been no fun in a box because we couldn't look at it easily. So after weighing my options, I've decided to stick with the notebook! Its worked out really good so far... I've sorted through his things and saved only our favorites (yes I included him in the decision making of what we were to keep). I'm happy that all of his stuff from birth through Preschool have fit in just one notebook.
Click Here for the blog post that really helped me to make my decision to continue with the notebook method.
What a great, simple way to organize your kids artwork, etc! love it! I've been looking for a way to start organizing my son's stuff. Great thing about this is if I ever change my mind and want to scrapbook it, I can. Thanks so much for the idea!
ejsmomej at gmail dot com