Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 138-Tate's "Little Light" Preschool Graduation

Tate graduated from Preschool Tonight. His graduation was incredibly cute! Instead of graduation caps they had balloon hats.

The Graduation Ceremony went as follows:

  • Flag Salute
  • Song "This Little Light of Mine"-Here's a little video clip that I got. (He's on the far left)

  • A Reading of "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn

  • Song "Tootie Ta" by Marcia Louis-They asked that one person from each family come join them on the stage (Bryan was the lucky one from our family) Here's some funny pics

  • Presentation of Diplomas (Here's a picture of him with Ms. Nancy and Ms. Thea)

  • Closing Prayer

(Now that Tate is done with Preschool I feel like it's safe enough for me to post his Preschool Name online) If anyone is looking for a very good Christian oriented preschool, "Little Light" would be it. They are awesome-click HERE for a link to their website.

1 comment:

  1. when I was a kid my pre-school was a bible school and I loved it. its one of the things I remember the most about school. sounds like it was just as great for Tate.
