Friday, September 4, 2009

The JOYS of Bus Riding

When Tate started school, I gave him the option of riding the bus... At first he wanted me to drive him to school so that we could "talk" on the way there. I was cool with that (what Mom doesn't love the fact that their child wants to talk with them?) But after the first day, Tate changed his mind and wanted to ride the bus (I think because everyone else was doing it). He's happily ridden the bus ever since and I've been happy for him...

Until recently...

Lately, some of the kids on the morning bus started calling him names and telling him that he stinks (Honestly kids can be so cruel). In fact one day he had a little girl tell him that she was NOT going to let him sit with her and that he stunk, and that she wasn't going to be his friend anymore (I have no idea what the whole stink thing is about-For a fact I know that the kid doesn't stink any more than any one of them). Tate cried on the way to school that day. To this day the kids on the bus still say he stinks and most of them won't sit with him... and I've asked him everyday if he wants to reconsider having me drive him to school, but Tate is pretty insistent on riding the bus.
I think that this whole issue is bothering me the most (this is my little boy here), and it only makes it worse since I know who the mean kids are... and especially since they are in his Primary at church.

So here's my plan (hope it helps the situation)...

  1. I'm trying to teach Tate the importance of being kind back (the golden rule)
  2. I'm going to ask Tate to include these children in his morning and evening prayers
  3. Sometime soon, Tate and I are going to make cookies and bring them to the kids (particularly this one little girl)
  4. We're going to invite some of these children over to our house to play (one at a time) so that they can get to know Tate in a good setting, and then hopefully they can see what an awesome kid Tate is...
I realize that these are issues that all children face in school at one time or another. But I'm a little surprised to see it begin at such a young age.


  1. we ran into almost this same situation on our bus with Braydon.

    only it was a kid that he has been friends with for a while. it was hard to tell him that if you want him to be a good friend you have to be one. and that all you have to do is try to find something nice to think of when people are mean then you wont think on the mean thoughts you will think of what ever nice thing you think of.

    can you believe in Kindergarten this is already happening?

    I can tell you one thing Braydon doesn't think that way about Tate in fact he keeps asking to hang out with him, and that Tate is one of the only nice kids at church.

  2. it's so hard being a mommy when someone breaks our little ones hearts. he is one tough and forgiving little guy. what a trooper.

  3. Oh.My.Goodness. That makes ME sad! :( He's a cute kid and anyone should be considered lucky to sit next to him :)

  4. I read this yesterday and cant get it out of my mind!! I really like the ideas that would make these kids be his friend. But, I think I might say something to the kids mom as well. They are to young to have to deal with this!! crazy world!! =)
