Friday, October 2, 2009

A little Goal

I've mentioned on the blog before how much I DISLIKE doing the dishes... Well the reality is that it isn't just a dislike. I completely HATE doing them. And it's bad! Really bad!!!

For those of you who know me (I mean really KNOW me) know that when you come to my house it is usually fairly clean except for maybe the pile of shoes by the front door, the laundry (that I'm constantly doing) and of course the stacks of dirty dishes that are practically taking over my kitchen. And then you probably know how I lie and say that you just happened to come on a bad kitchen day.

Talk about embarrassing!

I realized my messy kitchen weakness soon after getting married. We lived in an apartment without a dishwasher, and let me tell you... That was one awful experience! But when people came over and my dishes were everywhere, I would at least have the excuse of not having a dishwasher. And the sad thing is that I actually believed the excuse myself.

So when we moved (two years later), into a house with a dishwasher I thought that my kitchen woes would finally be over. But they weren't. In fact over time I realized that for me the bigger the kitchen, the messier it was bound to be!

At that point, I started setting a mountain sized goal for myself to complete the dishes before going to bed. But after 3-4 days in a row I would give up only to feel more guilty about not being able to keep my kitchen clean. Then after a few days passed, I would take on the massive goal again... only to quit a few days later.

This setting a HUGE goal and then quitting cycle with the dishes has gone on and on and on for years. At times my kitchen has been spotless clean, but more often it hasn't which has led me to wish more than anything that I had a permanent kitchen maid! But since that just isn't possible right now I've decided to change my goal. I'm no longer taking on a mountain only a small hill.

My new goal is to (at least) have the dishes rinsed off by the end of the night.
I will no longer feel guilty for having dishes on the counter top as long as they are all rinsed off. I will no longer feel guilty if the dishes aren't in the dishwasher or cupboard. I will no longer feel guilty, because I can do this!!! It's a small goal and I can do it!

So friends the next time you come to visit, please check out my beautiful kitchen with the rinsed dishes sitting on my counter tops because I am no longer embarrassed.


  1. I really hate the dishes too! They multiply way to quickly! In fact, I'm ignoring them right now by sitting in the office. I'm hoping that they'll decide to do themselves. My guess is probably not though. *sigh*

  2. Good for you! I found, if I clean as I go while cooking I don't mind doing the dishes. So we can eat in a clean kitchen. But, after the meals Adam ALWAYS does the dishes, because then it turns into a dreaded chore again...I know it really makes no logical sense. I had to find something that was going to work though,because like you my friend, I HATE doing dishes!~ Good Luck on your quest to find something that works for you!

  3. I learned how to do the dishes quickly when I lived by myself. the trick I learned was to only have enough dishes for one meal. If I wanted to eat again, I would have to do the dishes. I haven't been able to convince Faith about this strategy though!

  4. HA! I have been dealing with *very* similar issues. And, seriously, I have just started that same goal for myself :) It really IS lots easier to feel good about a pile of rinsed dishes, isn't it? :)


  5. Oh my goodness! Have you been to my house? I do not have a dishwasher and hate doing the dishes. But I always think I would at least have them in the dishwasher if I had one. Do you mean to tell me I should stop believing this as it doesn't work that way? I am in trouble then....

    Good luck with your goal. I really like it. ;-)
