Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween Night

So, it's taken me FOREVER to download our Halloween Night pictures off of Bryan's camera and post them. I've obviously lacked the motivation! Probably the main reason is because of Tate's face... Yes, my kid wanted to wear bright red face paint to "match his costume". The only problem is that it didn't match at all. He looked like he had a big bloody face, and he looked... well let's just say freaky! I let him wear it like that though because that's what he wanted and I didn't really feel like fighting him on it. Plus on Halloween night, he should be able to dress how he wants (within reason) right?!?

We ended up going trick or treating in our neighborhood (with Tate's friend Logan). But since our neighborhood was practically dead, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and Tate went trick or treating with Grandpa and Natalie.

And... Here's a funny memory that I have of my Grandpa Jack since I ALWAYS think of him Halloween night. For your information, he was born in 1910 (a completely different era) and I'm pretty sure you didn't have to worry about people poisoning candy back then:) Anyways... I remember back when I was a teenager visiting Grandma Ada and Grandpa Jack on Halloween night. Grandpa would buy those fun size candy bars (snickers if I remember correctly), and for some reason he would unwrap them all and cut the (already mini candy bar) into several pieces. He would then place the candy bar pieces into a bowl and hand them out to the children on Halloween night. Well obviously the neighborhood kids knew better than to eat them, so the morning after we would find candy bar pieces all over Grandpa's yard. I don't think that he ever found out!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about managing your resources! Maybe Faith and I should cut up some dumdum lollipops next year...
