-Jeremiah Willey-
Jeremiah Willey is my Great Great Great Great Grandfather. Up until a week ago, I pretty much didn't even know he existed (I only knew his name but nothing about him). Bryan & I read his history, (which he actually wrote himself) for the first time last Sunday! I am completely in awe! He was the most amazing pioneer ancestor!!! I will attempt to sum up his life according to his record...
Jeremiah was born in Northfield, New Hampshire on November 6, 1804. When Jeremiah was but 4 years old, his Father indentured him to a wealthy farmer who had no children of his own. His Father did this in hopes that Jeremiah would get a portion of his property when he should leave it. Years flew by, and this man's wife died. The man sold the farm, and Jeremiah got nothing. In 1827, Jeremiah married Bashabe Stevens. She was a Methodist and desired that Jeremiah join the Methodist church also. In his own words, "I soon found that their teachings did not agree with the gospel taught in the New Testament by Jesus and his disciples. I now begun to hear the preachers of the day, from Catholics to the last denomination in the place, but I found none whose teachings agreed with the gospel taught in the days of Jesus and the apostles".
In the year 1832, Jeremiah's wife went to Lowel were she heard about the Mormon church by Orson Hyde. She was soon baptized by him. She returned and told Jeremiah that the true church was again on the Earth. He studied the Book of Mormon from cover to cover. Jeremiah states, "Although the religious sects of the day were against this book and Joseph Smith, still I believed it". He was baptized in 1834, and ordained a priest by the twelve not long after. In 1836, Jeremiah and his wife, met with the prophet Joseph Smith and were blessed to be able to hear him speak.
The following year 1837,
Jeremiah started on a mission to Michigan and Canada. While in Canada, Jeremiah and his companion were preaching to a vast congregation of people, when an officer came and
took them prisoners. They were then brought to court and
accused as spies and for preaching false doctrine. Jeremiah pleaded their case for about an hour and preached to them the principles contained in the scriptures. Since the judge could find nothing against them-he let them go, and
placed them back on the American side.Jeremiah then returned to Kirtand where he
met in the temple with Joseph and Hyrum Smith. The prophet addressed the people there and bore testimony! Jeremiah Willey was then chosen and called as a
member of the first quorum of the seventies by the prophet Joseph Smith.
Jeremiah then served a mission through Ohio, where he visited many branches and received much persecution.
In the Summer of 1838, Jeremiah and his wife made plans to leave for Far West. He was obliged to leave his house and lot unsold. They also left behind clothing, bedding, and other furniture. They traveled to Sugar Creek where Jeremiah's wife died!
When Joseph Smith was in Carthage Jail, Jeremiah went to his house to see and comfort his wife (Emma Smith) in her distress. Emma gave Jeremiah a letter to take to Joseph Smith. Jeremiah then traveled to Carthage Jail, in the midst of mobs and murders. When he went in to the prison, the keeper wouldn't let Jeremiah see those who were in the prison.
On April 29th, 1839, Jeremiah married Samantha Call. They had 9 children throughout the next several years.
Jeremiah served yet another mission for the church in New Hampshire and Maine. While in Maine, Jeremiah found a few of his first wife's friends and relatives who invited him to preach to a group of people in their schoolhouse. He states, "The house was filled and I preached to them the first principles of the gospel which many of the people received, and I baptized seventeen and organized a branch in this place!"
Jeremiah continued his mission, and then returned to his family in Warsaw and Green Plains. The people here, greatly opposed Jeremiah. They had much hatred towards him because he continued to preach to them that Joseph Smith was a prophet. Some of the men in the town, came and put a horse in Jeremiah's yard (so that they might accuse him of stealing their horse). When Jeremiah woke up and found the horse, he was wise enough to leave it right there. At sunrise, a band of men came in great haste to his house. The men shouted, "Damn you old Willey. I have got you". They stayed at his house for some time, but did not touch him. One of the men went to obtain a writ, but couldn't get a sheriff to serve it. They eventually left. News spread of this event, and the brethren advised Jeremiah to leave the town and travel to Nauvoo.
Jeremiah was asked by
Brigham Young to travel with him, and was appointed
Captain of Train No. 1. He traveled for about a month, and then returned to Nauvoo for his family. Jeremiah traveled for some time with his family, and soon after was called to serve in the
Mormon Battalion. These are Jeremiah's words of the experience...
"This to me, was a trying time after being driven from my home and leaving all, both land and house in the hands of the enemy, and now to leave my wife and children with nothing but a blanket over them to keep them from the hot sun, But leaving them in the hands of the Lord". Jeremiah
suffered much during this time, and came close to losing his life, but his faith was VERY stong! He was gone from his family for one year and two months. While in Winter Quarters, Jeremiah
drove a team for the government and was able to make enough money to help them continue their trip to the Salt Lake Valley.
When they arrived in Salt Lake, Jeremiah was able to purchase
25 acres of land for $750.00. He built a house and farmed wheat. On May 21, 1868, while crossing a
foot bridge spanning a creek near his home,
Jeremiah fell into the stream and was drowned!
I seriously have the BEST ancestors! Wow!! I can hardly believe all the hardships that he and his family suffered-and all for the church! How grateful I am for wonderful ancestors and all of their sacrifices!