Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Pageant

We went to the Easter Pageant last night with Tad and his wife Jezica. It was really fun, and just a little crazy with Tate. But, we had a REALLY good time. I have so many memories of the Easter Pageant... When I was 10 or 11, my family was in the pageant. It was a really neat experience. My brother Thomas was 2 or 3 at the time, he thought that the man who played the part of Jesus was really Jesus. His name was Mike. I remember that everytime Thomas prayed he would say, "Dear Heavenly Mike." It was really cute.
Another memory is when Bryan and I were first married, we lived in a little apartment not too far from the Temple grounds. Every year we would be able to clearly hear the Easter Pageant from anywhere in our house.
We've tried to make it a TRADITION to go to the Easter Pageant every year. I can't say that we have, but we've done pretty good.


  1. I'm glad that you guys got to go to the pageant, and hopefully it wasn't too crazy with Tate. Did he enjoy it? I was telling Savannah about it after Jon and I went, and she kept saying that she wanted to go and see it.

  2. I think that Tate got a little out of it. The only time he really watched intentely was during the crucifixion. But, he did okay during the rest of it. I think Savannah would have done fine.
