Friday, April 13, 2007


Harry Potter Books-

I need not explain why I love these books. All I can say is the books are 95% better than the movies :)


(It doesn't make much sense, but Friday's my favorite day of the week because the next day is Saturday. You may ask, if Saturday is the reason why you love Friday then why isn't Saturday your favorite day? My answer: I like Fridays better because then I have Saturday to look forward to. Are you all confused yet?)

I know I've mentioned loving Burt's Bees before, but this facial scrub is BY FAR the most awesome one I've ever used! And... I've tried just about every expensive cleanser you can imagine.

1 comment:

  1. I love Harry Potter Books too! I've even sucked Jon into liking them (which really wasn't very hard). But I like reading them together with him.
