Monday, November 5, 2007


My friend Jodi called me this morning and asked if I would be a model for her beauty salon. They hired a professional hairstylist from Scottsdale to come and teach their beauticians some brand new cuts, and they needed someone to work on. I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into, but I'm soooooooo glad that I agreed to do it for her. When I got there, I learned that the man who was going to cut my hair travels ALL OVER THE PLACE doing shows and teaching the best techniques, etc. (He actually just got back from VEGAS doing a show there). His haircuts run from $150-$175, and I got it all for free! Also, just for helping out-Jodi gave me 2 FREE products for my hair! I feel so spoiled and I absolutely LOVE MY NEW CUT, it's so easy to do and very manageable!!!


  1. I LOVE the new cut!! How lucky/fun for you!! I have YET to have a haircut I like on me!!! Maybe someday...Ü

  2. Wow, how lukcy to get a free professional haircut! It looks great!
