Thursday, November 29, 2007

Superstition Sunrise!!!

Tate and I woke up REALLY EARLY the other day and sat in the spa while watching the SUN come up over the Superstition Mountains! It was seriously the funnest thing ever. Were going to have to do it more often.
Too bad Bryan can't join us in the mornings. This week he's been starting work from between 12 Midnight and 2 AM. It's been a little crazy for me because I have a hard time going back to sleep when he leaves. So mostly I have just been staying awake and trying to survive on like 5 hours of sleep.
So, it's extra relaxing for me to get to sit in the hot tub! It's just hard to keep from falling asleep while in there...


  1. How fun! I wish we had a pool and a spa!

  2. That sounds like SO much fun. I wish I could sit in a hot tub right now. I have to wait for this baby to come out though. That stinks your hubby has to leave so early to go to work. I would have the same problem as you. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep alone either.
