Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mesa AZ Temple Paintings FOR SALE by Thomas Manning

It's time for my Mother to buy some more pills again... We've got to combate that cancer! So in an attempt to help out (even a little) I've set up some PAYPAL "BUY NOW" buttons for my brother Thomas' beautiful MESA AZ TEMPLE PAINTINGS.

100% of the proceeds will go towards her cancer treatment.

Okay, so there are two different paintings to choose from:

This one is called the
Mesa AZ Temple at Moonlight

and this is called the Mesa AZ Temple at Sunset
To purchase a print or canvas-check out my sidebar or you can purchase it from my Mom's Blog. We also have larger sizes available. Email me with questions {onesmartchicken at gmail dot com} Please help me spread the word.


  1. those are really good! Are they oil or acrylic?

  2. That is a VERY good question. I'll need to email Thomas to find out. But I'll let you know.

  3. I really like those....let me talk to hubby about making a purchase!!!
