Monday, August 17, 2009

Missionary Map

For FHE tonight we had our lesson on missionaries. I made this map for Tate's bedroom to go along with his new bedroom theme of "Imagine Me a Missionary". It's a fabric map (that I found on Ebay) stapled to a really light weight board (similar to homosote or sound board material) that I found at Lowe's. I plan on screwing it up on the wall above his bunk bed.

In Bryan & my immediate families, we have 12 people who have served (or who are serving) missions. So I printed up a little picture of each of them (stating their name and where they served). Then we tried
to locate on the map where it was and we pinned their pictures up with tacks. Most of them were very straight forward... But I'm not sure that we got Keith's right (He served in a little island called Neue-close to Tonga). I'm not even sure if I'm spelling Neue right... Maybe I'll have to have him teach me how to spell it and show me where it is:) Anyways, it was a fun family night lesson. Tate's already talking about his mission and wondering where he will serve someday!


  1. PERFECT addition for your missionary theme. I figure if we don't introduce these kinds of topics for our children...who will? You are doing a great job! Yippee!

  2. Oh, that is so awesome!

    My Grandparents served in that mission! It's spelled Niue. ;) I am not exactly sure of the location either. Awesome!

  3. What a good idea! And just so you know...Tonga is North and slightly East of New Zealand; Niue is just a little further Northeast of Tonga. It would probably be rather difficult to locate on a world map. But that's so neat, especially to see where everyone has served!

  4. You always have such cute ideas!! :)
