Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tate's Officially a Whole Hand Full!

Last night was a rough night for Tate. After I had tucked him into bed, he cried for probably 10 minutes straight... He was devastated because in the morning he would be five, which meant that he would never be four again-EVER. He kept his four fingers up and between tears shouted (4, 4, 4). He told me again and again that he didn't want to grow up and that he wanted to go live in Never Land. He fell asleep crying, yet woke up happy (very happy).

Here's a picture of Mr. Tate first thing this morning (holding Hissy) in front of his wrapped bedroom door (I know that I've said it a million times before, but I LOVE this tradition). I made him a little felt crown out of scraps late last night (because every child needs a birthday crown). We had a little cousins party this afternoon at Dianna and Keith's house (which included swimming, playing cat and mouse, pin the tail on the donkey, presents, and cake). Yeah for simple parties! Tate had a great time, and as far as I can tell... He's now glad to be 5!

Here's something funny that Tate said yesterday that I've got to write down even though it doesn't have anything at all to do with this post...

"What the... {long pause}
Mom is it HECK or BECK?"


  1. Seriously (you must get this a lot) you have such an adorable son! Love the little comment at the end...priceless!

    Happy Birthday Tate! :)

    (Love the idea of wrapping their door!)

  3. "He told me again and again that he didn't want to grow up and that he wanted to go live in Never Land."

    Tell Tate to never give up living in Neverland. There are a lot of people in the world that aren't technically living in Neverland, but to the outsider, it looks like they are living in some kind of dream filled Neverland.

    Also tell him that growing up is the only way that he will ever be able to live in Neverland. He can grow up and create his own "Neverland".

    You guys are doing an awesome job raising Tate! Too bad you moved out of the Gold Canyon Ward, Tate could be in our Primary class! That would be fun, exciting, energetic, eustressfull, etc. :-)
