Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25-Thomas' Farewell Talk

Today was my youngest brother Thomas' farewell talk in church. The whole family was able to be there, so that was great. It was a little crazy sitting all together in Sacrament Meeting. The kids got pretty loud but I figure that that is expected when young cousins get together. It was fun though! Thomas' talk was excellent. He spoke about Music and Conversion and he shared some great personal stories. We were able to get a few snapshots of the family after Sacrament Meeting. The lighting wasn't that great and we couldn't seem to get one of everyone looking, but oh well:)
We ended up catching the last 7 minutes or so of Sunday School and I'm so glad that we did because I feel as though the topic was one that I REALLY NEEDED to hear. Thank you Sister Driggs! {Lately I've been struggling with wanting things my way... I want a baby now-we've been trying for over 4 years! I haven't been wanting to accept God's timing any more. I'm tired of waiting and I don't want to be patient, I just want things my way}. One of the first things I remember her saying when we walked in the room was how we try to have God do things our way. And basically she stated that our lives are in God's hands. She told the story of her losing a young baby and how as hard as it was for her, looking back on it she realizes that it was all in God's plan. Things happen for a reason and God ultimately knows what is best for us. We just have to trust him. After the lesson I was reminded again that I need to have more faith in Jesus Christ and in his plan. It's just so hard for me sometimes because I'm stubborn.
Anyways, we spent the rest of the day/evening at my parents house. We had dinner and we were able to have some great family time. My brother Aaron recently had my Dad's old mission slides transfered to JPEG's so we spent quite a bit of time viewing my Dad's mission pics and he shared about each one. It was a fun time!

1 comment:

  1. You are so inspirational in your faith!

    I still have a hard time knowing it is the fathers will. Sometimes I think its great that I have these children in my life and other times I get caught up in all there problems and think, "why after asking for kids for years am I given children who have medical problems?" My biggest dream is to one day raise a BABY I know will never be taken away from me (like my foster kids have or might) seeing there every moment from birth to death. this is my want but not what the lord wants of me right now.

    I have not given up hope either but it sure does seem to suck that I have to wait so LONG.
