Thursday, January 8, 2009

Funny "Tate" Sayings that I'd Better Write Down Before I Forget

  • Tate was eating a "Crunch" candy bar. I asked him if he liked it. He said, "Yes! Do you like it?" I said no, and he said... "Your taste bugs are broken and mine are fixed".

  • Tate was playing with his calculator and he said, "I think I weigh 90 cents!"

  • It was snack time, and Tate said, "I want 13 applesauce"

  • We were on a walk. I was walking fast and Tate asked if I was running. I said, "No I'm speed walking". He looked at me quite seriously and said, "Is that appropriate from the police?"


  1. Those are pretty funny and sound just like Tate! I also think that you have some great New Year's goals. I will have to see you 365 project sometime. That sounds like a fun project.

  2. Tate just cracks me up. I just love Tate.

  3. I laughed so hard at the last comment and I'm not even sure what it means. I can just relate to the part where you're walking fast and tate's not sure whether you're walking or running so he asks... it just hit my funny bone.
